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TopoL Mobile
TopoL Mobile update
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TopoL Mobile

You can find here the latest version of TopoL Mobile version 3.0. If you install it, it will work as a demo version. It means that you can display all supported data formats, but new measured objects are not saved and the measured length or area sizes are not displayed. The navigation does not work as well. If you decide to buy it, you can just order it, register license code and it will work in full version without need to reinstall it.

Description of changes and bug fixes

is provided in the list of new functions, updates and bug fixes since version 3.09 from 8th of November 2012


date: 2013–12–02
version: 3.11

description file size
Installation from desktop computer TopoLMobileSe­tup.exe 630,50 KiB
Installation from PDA TopoLMobilePPC­.arm.CAB 1,83 MiB


If you want to install the program from your desktop computer: Please, connect your mobile device to the desktop computer and establish a connection between them using Microsoft ActiveSync (in Windows 2000/XP) or Windows Mobile Device Center (in Windows Vista/7/8). Download the TopoLMobileSe­tup.exe program, run it from your desktop computer and then follow the instructions of the installation program.

If you want to install the program directly in your mobile device: Please, download the TopoLMobilePPC­.arm.CAB file and upload this file to your mobile device. Run this file on your mobile device using double-click and then follow the instructions of the installation program.